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vendredi 13 septembre 2013

bowel cancer symptoms

bowel cancer symptoms
Possible signs of colon cancer include a change in bowel habits or blood in the stool. bowel cancer symptoms

In its early stages, colon cancer often has no symptoms. This is why it is important for detection. Like most diseases, colon cancer can often cause symptoms similar to other conditions beyond.

bowel cancer symptoms

If you experience any of these symptoms, you should consult your doctor.

bowel cancer symptoms

Symptoms may include:

Symptoms of bowel cancer

        A recent change in bowel habits that persist to lose, movements such as diarrhea, go to the toilet more often, or try to go (ie someone whose irregular bowels were regular)
        Blood (either bright red or very dark) in the stool. Bowel cancer causes and symptoms

        Diarrhea, constipation, or feeling that the bowel does not empty completely
        Frequent gas pain, bloating, fullness or cramps  Bowel. cancer causes and symptoms
        Stools that are narrower than usual  Bowel cancer causes and symptoms
        A lump or mass in the abdomen  Bowel cancer causes and symptoms
        Weight loss for no known reason     Bowel cancer causes and symptoms
        Persistent, severe abdominal pain, which was recently published for the first time
        (Especially in an age group)
        Feeling very tired

bowel cancer symptoms

If you have any of these symptoms does not mean that you have cancer of the colon, but it is very important to talk to your doctor. bowel cancer symptoms

jeudi 12 septembre 2013

bowel cancer symptoms

bowel cancer symptoms
Symptoms of bowel cancer (colon ) may include
bowel cancer symptoms
Bleeding from the anus ( rectum) or blood in the stool   bowel cancer symptoms
A change to normal diarrhea or loose stool bowel habits for more than 4 to 6 weeks   bowel cancer symptoms

A party that your doctor can feel in the back or abdomen crossing (more common on the right side )
A feeling of offers in the price of the anus (as if you need to pass a motion of the intestine)
lose weight  bowel cancer symptoms
Pain in the portion of the abdomen or back bowel cancer symptomsbowel cancer symptoms
A lower than normal level of red blood cells ( anemia) bowel cancer symptoms
Because tumors of the intestine may bleed, bowel cancer often causes a lack of red blood cells. This is called anemia and can cause fatigue and shortness of breath at a time.  bowel cancer symptoms
bowel cancer symptoms
Sometimes cancer can obstruct the intestine. This is called a bowel obstruction . Symptoms include
bowel cancer symptoms
Griping pains in the abdomen
be sick
bowel cancer symptoms
Blood in stool
Blood in the stool ( poop ) can be a sign of colon cancer. However, most often it is due to other causes. If you are worried about any symptoms you may be caused by colon cancer think you should consult your doctor.
bowel cancer symptoms
In most cases , blood in the stool piles (hemorrhoids ) , especially if it is red and fresh and bright blood. Piles are swollen veins in the anus.
 bowel cancer symptoms
These veins are fragile and easily damaged during the passage of stool , causing slight bleeding .
bowel cancer symptoms
The blood of the highest in the intestine is not bright red. It is black and can make your stools are black as tar. This type of bleeding can be a sign of cancer of the upper intestine . Or maybe a bleeding ulcer . bowel cancer symptoms
bowel cancer symptoms
If bleeding occurs, it is important to consult your doctor for examination. Your doctor will not think you are wasting your time with this kind of symptoms. They know that this could be a sign of a serious problem and must investigate. They will also be relieved if it is a bit lower.
bowel cancer symptoms
When you go to the doctor for blood in the stool , your doctor will probably do a rectal exam . This means that the doctor inserts a gloved finger into the anus and feels for anything unusual .
 bowel cancer symptoms
If you have hemorrhoids , which can be diagnosed. If your doctor can not feel anything unusual or feel a bump that may be cancer , you must go to the hospital for tests of colon cancer . bowel cancer symptoms
bowel cancer symptoms

Symptoms of bowel cancer

information about bowel cancer symptoms

bowel cancer symptoms

bowel cancer symptoms
 Early bowel cancer may have no symptoms and some symptoms of later bowel cancer can also occur in people with less severe health problems, such as hemorrhoids (piles). /bowel cancer symptoms
Consult your doctor if you notice any of the following symptoms. /bowel cancer symptoms
The first symptoms of colon cancer are: bowel cancer symptoms  /bowel cancer symptoms
blood in the stool (faeces) or bleeding from the rectum / bowel cancer symptoms
a change in bowel habits that persists for more than three weeks, as diarrhea, constipation or passing stools more often than usual /bowel cancer symptoms
abdominal pain
unexplained weight loss /bowel cancer symptoms
As colon cancer progresses, it can sometimes cause bleeding inside the bowel. Over time, this can lead to your body does not have enough red blood cells. This is known as anemia.bowel cancer symptoms
Symptoms of anemia include: /bowel cancer symptoms
fatigue/ bowel cancer symptoms
shortness of breath bowel cancer symptoms
In some cases, cancer of the bowel can cause bowel obstruction. Intestinal obstruction symptoms include:
swelling, usually around the navel
abdominal pain/bowel cancer symptoms
constipation /bowel cancer symptoms